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Stainsby Road



Church Office 01642 909299
(room hire & enquires)



Sunday Morning service

Trinity Methodist Church

Trinity Family Friendly Centre
The Community Arm of Trinity Methodist Church.

Unity Community Café

Monday: 9.00a.m. - 2.00 p.m.

Tuesday & Thursday:
9.00a.m. - 2.00 p.m. and 3.30 - 5.30

Friday: 9.00a.m. - noon

Family Friendly Site

SUNDAY 21st April 2024

 10.00 am   Mr. J. Hinton


Acts Ch. 4 v 5-12

1 John Ch. 3 v 16-24

Luke Ch. 10 v 11-18

Prayer Diary:-   

      Minister, Beavers, Cubs, Scout, Explorers, St. Martins CofE Church and Group H.

SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY – 28th April 2024

10 am – Worship Leaders

Daily Prayer at 9:00am every day (except Sunday): This is now on Microsoft Teams. Just download Teams and you can go straight on to it or use this link https://teams.live.com/meet/9414857191536


May we remind you that Trinity Ladies Circle invite all friends to a concert by the STROMBOLI UKELELE BAND

On Monday April the 22nd at 2pm.

here at Trinity where they will be playing a varied programme from Sea Shanties and pop music to some Beatles tunes. Both ladies and gentlemen are welcome.

So please come and join us for an afternoon of fun and music. Light refreshments served.

Admission is FREE, although they do have a collection for local charities if you so wish.

Revd. John will be on leave from Monday 22nd April to Tuesday 7th May. In his absence, Revd. David Godfrey should be contacted in the event of any pastoral emergency.

The Circuit Men's Fellowship meets at Grove Hill on Friday April 26th at 1.30pm

The speaker will be Rev David Godfrey.

ADVANCE NOTICE: The Circuit Songs of Praise will be at Trinity on Sunday May 19th at 6pm. It will celebrate Pentecost and Aldersgate, the Wesley conversion.