Dear friends,
Welcome to the beginning of a new Methodist year. This is a special year in the Godfrey
household as my wife Carolyn takes up office as the Vice President (VP) of the Methodist
Conference. In this extended letter, therefore, I will reflect a little on my experience of
Conference this year, briefly explain the role of the VP and share some of the things
Carolyn is doing in her new role.
Methodist Conference meets annually and is the governing body of the Methodist Church
in Britain. Conveniently it took place this year at Leeds, between 28th June and 3rd July,
in the conference facilities of the Royal Armouries. It is always a great occasion especially
at the beginning when the President and VP are inducted on the opening Saturday and ordinands are presented and received into full Connexion on the Sunday. All of this takes place in the context of worship. I can only ask you to imagine the wall of sound when 800+ Methodist voices sing the hymns and songs, accompanied of course by a great band. Another moving thing about Conference is that it always makes me feel part of a big family. We see Methodist people from Britain and representatives from around the world all coming together. We may struggle at times in declining churches, but we are part of a Methodist family some 75 million strong today and growing worldwide.
The highlight for me took place on the Saturday of Conference when Carolyn was inducted as Vice President. It was wonderful to share this experience with 40 family and friends who were specially invited for the occasion. Carolyn was presented with a silver cross which is passed on from one VP to the next each year, like a chain of office. She was also presented symbolically with a first edition Methodist Hymn Book which was a little fragile and was taken back almost immediately. The President and the VP then spoke in turn.
This year their addresses were on the theme they have chosen for the year, based on a verse
from Isaiah 1:17, ‘Learn to do right, seek justice and defend the oppressed’. Their addresses were different, but both spoke very movingly. The whole event was videoed and you can watch the addresses on the Methodist Website.
You will find Carolyn’s address in session 1 at about 3 hours 7 minutes in, if you want to shortcut to it. If you are interested in the things that Conference discussed you can rewatch all the sessions at the above link. Alternatively you can request a Conference business digest (summary of Conference) from Elaine in the Circuit office. One important anniversary which was marked at Conference this year, and which will continue to be marked throughout the coming year, is the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Methodist Church. There will be a special service to mark the anniversary in our district on Saturday 14th September at 4:00pm at Elm Ridge Methodist Church in The Superintendent’s Letter (from the left): Carolyn, Helen Cameron (incoming president), Gill Newton
(outgoing president) and Kerry Scarlett (outgoing vice president.
Nunthorpe Methodist Church Warmly invites all to our Wednesday Entertainment
Afternoons at 2.30pm
For further details contact Denise (September / October) 07975753299
Ruth (November) 01642 315002 Darlington.
The President of Conference is always a Presbyteral Minister and the Vice President is
always a Deacon or a Lay Person. Both take on senior leadership roles in the life of the
Church and both serve for a year before passing on their silver crosses to their successors.
This demonstrates a central tenet of our theology and organisation, in that leadership and
power is always shared between lay and ordained, who work together and hold authority at
every level of Church life. Both took turns to chair the business sessions of conference.
And both are elected to represent the Conference in their visits throughout the Connexion
and overseas. In this sense they are special representatives for all of British Methodism,
and are required to undertake District and Overseas visits on behalf of the Church.
To give you an indication of what this involves, by the time you read this Carolyn will
have spoken: In the Liverpool District, at the Tolpuddle festival (in Dorset), and brought
greetings to the Italian Conference in Turin (which is celebrating the 850th anniversary of
the Waldesian movement.) She has already represented the Church in the Bahamas, Turks
and Caicos district of the Methodist Church in May and brought greetings and
encouragement to a number of Churches and projects there. Future visits include trips to
Malta, to various districts including the Shetland Islands and the Isle of Man, to the 3
Generate Youth Event, and to the Irish conference. She may also be representing the
Church at the Cenotaph in Whitehall for the Remembrance event in November, although
this has still to be confirmed. Carolyn has also begun some extra governance work
involved in her role and is now sitting on the Connexional Council.
The VP role is a great honour bestowed upon Carolyn by the Church and I know that she
feels this very deeply. It is also a volunteer (unpaid) role which means that she needs an
understanding employer. The Darlington and Newcastle Districts have been very
accommodating. She will continue as Regional Safeguarding Officer in her VP year,
albeit with cover for reduced hours. Please pray for Carolyn as she takes on these extra
I hope the above Summary is useful for those interested in wider Methodism and how it all
works. I also hope you enjoy what remains of the summer and I look forward to seeing
you around the Circuit in the new Church year.
yours in Christ, Revd. David Godfrey.
Middlesbrough and Eston Methodist Circuit
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