Welcome to Normanby Methodist church.
You will find details of our regular church life and details of the events and activities at our church. Please use the “contact us” link at the top of the page to get in touch.
Our family continues to support each other and the wider community.
We are a diverse and welcoming community of believers who come from all walks of life. Whether you are young or old, single or married, or have a different background, we invite you to join us in worship and fellowship.
At Middlesbrough and Eston Methodist Circuit, we believe in taking our faith beyond the walls of our church and into the world. We are involved in a variety of local and global outreach programmes, from feeding the hungry to supporting missionaries around the world.
Sunday 22nd December 2024
10.30am: Mr J Hinton
Wednesday 25th December 2024
10.00am Christmas Day Service: Rev J Howard-Norman
(There will be a retiring collection in aid of Shelter)
Sunday 29th December 2024
10.30am: Mrs R Lewis
Wednesday 1st January 2025
10.00am Midweek Service: NO SERVICE
Sunday 5th January 2025
10.30am: Rev J Howard-Norman
(Covenant Service with Sacrament)
(There will be a retiring collection in aid of the benevolent fund)
Introit after the Advent liturgy STF 165 – 4th verse of Advent candles tell their story.
Prayers – Please pray for those we know who are ill, in hospital, housebound, in care homes, all who mourn & all those fleeing violence of any kind. For Keith J, Audrey H, Cynthia W, Celia S, Harry W, Sheila M, Maureen B, Betty C, Elsie D.
Thank You – On behalf of the Ways & Means Committee, we would like to thank you for kind generosity, your help & support towards all we do, coffee mornings, social evenings, fayres, raffles etc. We ask, you give, over & over again. We are overwhelmed by your kindness. Our success is down to your care & generosity. We could not do this without you. Well done & thank you, one & all. You are all amazing & we are humbled by your continuous support & exceptionally grateful, many, many
thanks from the Ways & Means Committee & have a blessed Christmas.
Town Centre Christmas Carols – Monday 23rd December, 6pm. Wrap yourself up in your best Christmas jumper and come and support your town centre mission by joining us outside Linthorpe Road Methodist Church for our town centre "carol sing", there will also be an opportunity during this "carol sing" to remember loved ones on our special memorial Christmas tree. Mulled apple juice & minced pies will also be available.
W & M’s Coffee Morning – Saturday 4th January from 10am. Cake Stall, Book Stall, DVD’s & CD’s, Jigsaws, Bits & Bob’s Stall, Raffle to name a few. Entry £1.50 which includes tea/coffee & treat. Come meet old friends & meet some new ones, share what you have been up to over the festive season, all are welcome.
Friends Fellowship – next meeting will be on Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 2pm, speaker Sylvia Fairbrass. All welcome.
Web Site – Want to know what is going on in the circuit. The circuit web site address is memc.uk, there is a link to the Normanby site or go direct via memc.uk/normanby, take a look & let us know what you think & help us make it a site people want to visit.
Stamps – the church is collecting used postage stamps in support of charity; a collection bucket is in the foyer.
District Web Site – Please see the Darlington district & Darlington Circuit web sites for information on Mission Worker vacancy, Centre Manager vacancy, Youth Worker Pioneer vacancy & Chair of District Christmas letter.
Offering: Don't ask”' what do I need to give? ” But “how do I give reflecting God’s love for me?”
Did you know we get no financial help from outside; all our income comes from what we do & from the support people like you give us, thank you for your support in God's continuing work in the Church. As a sign of the offering of ourselves, please stand as the Stewards bring forward today’s offering.
Notice Sheet – there will not be a notice sheet on Sunday 29th December.
Any items to be included on the notice sheet need to be submitted by 6pm Thursday to Nigel Marsh.
Advent 4
Opening liturgy
Preparations almost complete, the time is nearly here.
Promises and praises echo all around,
Silencing the noises of injustice.
O hush the noise,
Let’s hear the angels sing.
The promise of God for the servant lowly,
God who comes to the help of all,
Whose ancient promise still stands today.
O hush the noise,
Let’s hear the angels sing.
And we watch and we seek,
And we learn, we pray and we praise,
And we wait and we wait.
O hush the noise,
Let’s hear the angels sing.
1.30pm Pop In (Live at Home).
2.00pm Friends Fellowship (1st Tuesday each month).
7.30pm Trefoil Guild (2nd Tuesday each month).
10.00am Morning Worship (Holy Communion 1st Wednesday).
10.30am Coffee.
11.00am Keep Fit with Tonia.
1.30pm History Group (4th Wednesday each month).
6.00pm Youth Club.
2.00pm Craft Group (2.00pm - 3.30pm).
2.00pm Bowls Club.
7.00pm Family Social Evening (4th Friday each month).
10.00am Coffee Morning (every Saturday). First Saturday in the month is a Big Coffee Morning starting at 10am with stalls that include cakes, books, crafts & raffle. Come meet old friends & meet some new ones, all are welcome.
New members are always welcome at all these events. If you don’t try them, you won’t know if you will enjoy being part of the fellowship.
When attending activities please avoid traffic congestion by using nearby car parks.
10.30am Sunday Morning Service (Communion Service once a month, check preaching plan)
1.30pm Pop In (Live at Home).
2.00pm Friends Fellowship (1st Tuesday each month).
7.30pm Trefoil Guild (2nd Tuesday each month).
10.00am Morning Worship (Holy Communion 1st Wednesday).
10.30am Coffee.
11.00am Keep Fit with Tonia.
1.30pm History Group (4th Wednesday each month).
6.00pm Youth Club.
2.00pm Craft Group (2.00pm - 3.30pm).
2.00pm Bowls Club.
7.00pm Family Social Evening (4th Friday each month).
10.00am Coffee Morning (every Saturday). First Saturday in the month is a Big Coffee Morning starting at 10am with stalls that include cakes, books, crafts & raffle. Come meet old friends & meet some new ones, all are welcome.
New members are always welcome at all these events. If you don’t try them, you won’t know if you will enjoy being part of the fellowship.
When attending activities please avoid traffic congestion by using nearby car parks.
Normanby Methodist Church, Patten Street, Middlesbrough, UK
Normanby Methodist Church began life in 1960, when Cleveland Street Methodist Church (formerly the United Methodist Church) and Patton Street Methodist Church (formerly The Primitive Methodist Church) were united. The Cleveland Street schoolroom was built in 1863 and the Chapel opened in 1887. The Patton Street Church was built in 1900 and then in 1960 it became the Worship centre of Normanby Methodist Church. The Cleveland Street premises were converted into Normanby Methodist Youth centre, which was formally opened by Keith Schellenberg on 27th February 1965.
The Cleveland Street Methodist Church became the Youth Centre when the two churches amalgamated in 1960 Archive records indicate that the old schoolroom at Cleveland Street was built in 1863 and subsequently the Chapel opened in 1887. Although there are no records to confirm, there must have been an active witness in the Normanby area in the years prior to these dates. During these early years, the United Methodist Free Church in Cleveland Street was an active church within the Stockton united Methodist Free Church Circuit. Apparently the U.M. Free Church was formed nationally in 1857. This no doubt accounts for the fact that Cleveland Street was always known as the “Free Church”. The first Preachers’ meeting of the UM Free Church Stockton Circuit was held on 28 September 1868 in Milton Street Chapel, Middlesbrough. The minutes of the meeting record that “Brother Whitfield of Normanby be employed as Preacher on note”. A similar Preachers’ meeting was held on 28 June 1869 at Normanby . Clearly the Cleveland Street Free Church was very much on the Methodist map at this time.
For reasons, which are not entirely clear, other than geographical, Middlesbrough became the centre of a new circuit in 1875, the last meeting of the Stockton UM Free Church Circuit being held on 28 June of that year. The first Preachers’ meeting of the new circuit was held in the Linthorpe Road schoolroom on 1 October 1875. Other Churches, which seemed to have belonged to the new circuit included Grange Road, North Ormesby Road, Milton Street, Ormesby Road, Orwell Street and Nelson Street, Southbank.
It is not clear from remaining records what happened locally in the years immediately following, although clearly there was still a UM Free Church witness throughout the Teesside area. In 1907, the UM Free Church joined the Methodist New Connexion (MNC) and the Bible Christians to form the United Methodist Union in 1932 with local circuits amalgamating in 1932 with local circuits amalgamating in 1934.
The first signs of a blossoming relationship between Patten Street and Cleveland Street are recorded in the minutes of the UM Church Quarterly Meeting held on 8 March 1926. A letter had been received from the Eston Primitive Methodist (PM) circuit “notifying us that they had appointed a deputation to meet a similar one from this meeting to explore the ground in the hope of bringing the two churches into a relationship”. In Normanby it took almost 40 years before this courtship was consummated. The first joint meeting of the trustees of Patten Street and Cleveland Street was held on 13 June 1961.
In the intervening years, Cleveland Street, together with the UM Church in Nelson Street, Southbank, was formally included in the Southbank (ex Wesleyan) and Eston (ex Primitive) Quarterly meeting held in the Normanby Road, Southbank Methodist Church on Wednesday 11 April for submission to the 1934 Methodist Conference.
Finally, it is interesting to note some extracts from remaining trustees meeting records from Cleveland Street. Some folk will remember with fond memories the event and personalities mentioned.
All the following passages are taken from Normanby Methodist Centenary Booklet, which was issued for the centenary year in 2000
There appears to be no documentary evidence about how the Normanby Primitive Methodist Church began as a “house church” before the chapel was built in 1900 The received verbal tradition is that it started in the streets of Normanby with fellowship meetings and working parties to raise money for the new building. The James Hammerton senior and Hannah Hammerton, whose names are on inscribed stones inside the church lived in number 30 West Street, Eston. James had connections with the United Methodist Free Church in Cleveland Street but transferred his loyalty to the Primitive Methodists and helped considerably in financing the building of our church.
The foundation stone on the left-hand side was laid by A.E.Pease,esq, M.P., on 30th June 1900. William Codd who was a retired grocer who lived in Ormesby laid the foundation stone on the right hand side of the entrance. He had lived in Eston and was probably the oldest member of the church, being 75 years old in 1900. The following extracts from “The Primitive Methodist World” describe in some detail the important ceremonies in 1900.
On Saturday (June 30th) the memorial stones of the primitive Methodist Church now in course of construction at Normanby were formally laid. A deputation accompanied by the Eston Miners’ Old Brass Band, met Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Pease, and the party proceeded to the site of the new chapel, where a short devotional service was held. The Rev. J. Davidson read a letter from Mr.. J.J. Swan that neither he nor Mrs. Swan could attend and he enclosed £2.2s on behalf of Mrs. Swan and a further sum of £5.00 as a donation from himself, and concluded by wishing the church and its members every happiness and success in their new venture.
Mr. Pease was then asked to lay the first stone, for which purpose he was presented with a handsome silver trowel bearing the following inscription “Presented to A.E.Pease, esq.M.P. by the trustees of Normanby Primitive Methodist Church, at the foundation stone laying, June 30th 1900”. After laying the stone Mr. Pease said that it was indeed a great pleasure to himself and Mrs. Pease to pay a visit to their friends at Normanby. He supposed that like himself, there were many present who were not Primitive Methodists, but he sincerely hoped that they all felt warmly as he did towards them. There were, of course, various points of difference, but after all, their creeds were similar, and it therefore was necessary that they should endeavour to assist each other whenever opportunity presented itself. They should always be ready to help bodies like the Primitive Methodists, who had to find the means for erecting their chapels and schools from pockets anything but well filled. He thought it spoke very well for such a small chapel that they had already been able to raise nearly half the amount required. This chapel, he sincerely hoped would be a success and prove a never failing source if comfort to the people of the neighbourhood. Stones were also laid by Mrs. Pease, Mr. J. Hammerton and three stones by young people of the church.
At the conclusion of the ceremony a public tea was held in an adjoining field, and later in the evening a public meeting, Dr. Fulton presiding. On Sunday special commemoration services were held, the choir rending a service of song, “Led by a Child”, whilst in the evening Mr. J. Appleyard of Middlesbrough delivered an address.
In the early 2000's it became apparent that something need to be done to bring the church up to standard as regards the Disablement Act. After several meetings it was decided to sell the Youth Centre premises as these were difficult to update, and to knock down the Church building and build a new church as this was a cheaper option , there being no VAT on a new build.
Many fund raising efforts began, some of which were sponsored hymn singing of Hymns and Psalms, a sponsored Bible read of the Gospels and Acts. A Ways and Means committee was set up and social evenings took place to raise funds. Several people took out a covenant to raise a certain amount. With grants from several places the money was eventually raised and the new church building was completed by late 2014 and worship moved from the Youth Centre to our modern building. We give thanks to God for his provision and for the vision which made this project begin. Rev David Payne who had begun the process came back to officially open the church in early 2005. We celebrated the 10 years of the new church with a flower festival in 2015
Middlesbrough and Eston Methodist Circuit
website admin - team.everitt@gmail.com
Copyright © 2024 Middlesbrough and Eston Methodist Circuit - All Rights Reserved.