Website of Nunthorpe Methodist church.
You will find details of our regular church life and details of the events and activities.
Please use the “contact us” link in page to get in touch.
Please join us for worship and fellowship
We are a diverse and welcoming community of believers who come from all walks of life. We invite you to join us in worship and fellowship.
At Middlesbrough and Eston Methodist Circuit, we believe in taking our faith beyond the walls of our church and into the world. We are involved in a variety of local and global outreach programmes, from feeding the hungry to supporting mission around the world.
Celia Shires- It was with great sadness that we received the news of the death of Celia Shires. A private (family only) Committal Service will precede a Service of Thanksgiving for Celia’s life, to be held at Normanby Methodist Church, at 3.45pm on Monday 13th January 2025. A reception will be held at the church following the service, to which all are welcome. Please continue to pray for Celia’s son, Andrew and her wider family.
All We Can - Coffee Morning
We invite everyone to the All We Canuary' coffee morning on Saturday 1st February.
Tea/Coffee & Cake/Scone to be served between 10am and noon. £3
Eleanor Josephine
A child is born! Kay and Mark have a new grand daughter. Eleanor Josephine born to Sarah and Haris. Love to all the family.
Over the extended period of Christmas many people try to come to church who wouldn't normally. It is perhaps part of our mission as a church to be there, creating opportunities for people to touch the Divine. The numbers who have done so this year make good news for us.
Carols on The Grass.
The Christmas Eve event on the church lawn was a success in many ways. More than 250 members of the community joined in carols, raising money for the church and enjoying an eyening of music and readings.
Thank you to everyone involved.
Join your local Christian Churches for a service of singing, prayer and reflection Sunday 19th January 2025 4pm Nunthorpe Methodist Church
On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, there is a variety of events planned, with guest speakers, musical performances and other activities. In the summer months it starts at 2:30pm; in the winter it starts earlier at 2:00pm.
Our church has many prayer concerns. If you feel in the need of prayer contact please click the box below.
These are held every Tuesday morning from 10.30-11.30 at Church. Nunthorpe Knitters meet here. All are welcome. There is a short service at 10.00 on the 2ndTuesday of every month.
We usually meet the 2nd Thursday of the month from October to June, and approximately 40 people attend to enjoy a two-course hot meal for £5. We also provide a take-away service on request which is welcomed by our housebound members.. At present we do have a few spare places so please contact us for further details if you are interested in joining our friendly group. A huge thank you to all the team who prepare, serve and clear away and whose time and effort is much appreciated. Julie O’Key & Kay Braithwaite
Get Talking
During our session, the group shares thoughts and opinions on a few pre agreed subjects, Everyone contributes and the group takes time to listen to the individual stories. Everyone has a story to tell and we love listening to the shared memories.
Laughter and Discovery
There is a lot of laughter and discovery in a Table Talk session. At one get together we discovered that most of the people had had diphtheria as a child, with varying treatments! Some had had tonsillectomies and with their parents promptly caught the bus home! We learned that N had met his wife at a youth club dance many, many years ago but still remembered the dress she wore had a square neck and puff sleeves! We thought that looking down from heaven, she was probably very proud of him!
Come and Join In
Our Table Talk starts at 1:30pm on the last Thursday of the Month - except July, August and December.
Look out for the reminders in the Church Notices.
Held during term time, every Wednesday from 9.15-11.00, Play and Chat is for all children aged 0-4 years.
A warm welcome is also extended to all children incuding those with special needs.
Staff are experienced in pre-school activities. They are DBS checked.
We now have new outdoor play area called "Noah's Garden"
Refreshments available.
** Group Currenty Full **
Nestled in the main lobby is a special prayer tree. This quiet space offers an opportunity for reflection. Write your prayers on a paper leaf and add it to the tree. As you do, feel free to read the prayers of others and find comfort in our shared faith.
All adult books 30p with proceeds to Action for Children Charity
We are also happy to receive your good quality books, to resell
Opening Times: Tuesdays 10.00-11.30 where coffee is also available
The books are accessible at any other time the church is open.
We are also happy to receive your good quality books, to recycle
For now our singing for fun group is not meeting
A typical service lasts roughly for an hour. 11am until Noon
When you walk into our buildings you will be greeted by a member of the congregation.
You may sit in any seat. There is a toddler-friendly seating section at the back. We have an excellent sound system with loop-hearing. Service books and Hymn books are in the pews ready for you. We usually sing around 4-5 hymns accompanied by organ, piano and band. Sometimes there is a song from the Singing Group. We hear bible readings, say prayers and listen to the message from the preacher. After the service coffee is served. All are welcome.
In the first few years of the 20th century, the Methodist's Sunday services were held in several of the local houses until 1911, when the Congregationalists built the Church in Rookwood Road. The foundation stone laid by A.J. Dorman Esq. J.P bears the date of August 2nd 1911. The Methodists decided to join them in worship and therefore have had a presence in the Rookwood Road Church since its foundation 92 years ago. In 1936, a decision was made that the Methodist Church should purchase the Rookwood Road premises and the first services as a Methodist Church were conducted on Sunday December 6th 1936 and so began a new era for Methodism in Nunthorpe
We kindly ask that all visitors park their vehicles in a considerate manner, avoiding any inconvenience to our neighbours.
Highway Code Rule - Do not park Within 10 meters of junctions..
or Infront of any driveways.
As a guide the space between our neighbours drive and our side pathway is to be avoided. The 1st tree on the right is also about 10m from the junction
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you Nunthorpe Methodist Church
Nunthorpe Methodist Church, Connaught Road, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, UK
Middlesbrough and Eston Methodist Circuit
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